Wolf Moon Tour
The Wolf Moon is the first full moon of the year being the full moon of January. This year’s Wolf Moon will be visible on January 6th at its brightest around 6 pm eastern time. A full moon is visible when the moon is on the opposite side of the earth to the sun, allowing the sun to fully illuminate the entire moon. This particular full moon is known as the Wolf Moon because Native Americans would hear wolves howl more frequently during this time.
Tulici enjoying the crisp winter air.
While it is known that wolves do not actually howl at the moon. It is important to recognize that wolves are crepuscular by nature and therefore are more active during dawn and dusk hours. Also, during the months of January and February, wolves may be more vocal due to breeding season that takes place during these two months.
Flyer for the California Wolf Center Wolf Moon Tour in 2023.
The California Wolf Center is happy to offer a Wolf Moon Tour taking place on Friday, January 6th at 3:40 pm for a chance to see CWC Wolves after normal hours. Keep an eye out for future Wolf Moon tour dates during future months.