California Wolf Center is Dedicated to Wild Wolf Recovery
California Wolf Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization working to foster communities coming together to ensure wolves, livestock, and people thrive in today’s world, which we accomplish through conservation, education, and research.

Our Vision for the Future of Wolf Conservation
The success of wolf recovery is commonly defined solely by population numbers. However, this does not consider the polarizing controversy, ongoing conflicts, and use of lethal control as a standard management tool for wolves. In comprehensive terms, we have not yet achieved true wild wolf recovery. For California Wolf Center “success” is defined by:
- Wolves’ ability to survive peacefully
- Thriving responsible ranching communities stewarding open space
- Diverse communities coming together in understanding, respect and support

How You Can Help Support Wolves
We can't achieve our goal of wild wolf recovery without your help! Here are some ways you can take action for wolves today.