Support Our Resident Wolves

Symbolically sponsor one of our resident wolves to contribute to their care and wellbeing. Sponsors receive a digital package with photos, certificate, and biography of the sponsored wolf.

Northwestern Gray Wolves



Wintu was born in a litter of five on April 29, 2013 at the California Wolf Center. He was named after the Wintu, a Native American tribe of Northern California, in honor of the wolf making a comeback in our state.



Yana was born in 2014 and was transferred to us from a captive wolf facility in Bridger, Montana in 2017. She is named after the Yana Native Americans of Northern California to honor the wolf coming back to our state.



Poppy (born 2018), also known as our “Popstar” is probably the most curious and least shy wolf at the California Wolf Center. She is named after the California state flower in recognition of wolves making a comeback in our state.



Tulici (born 2018) is named after the Washoe word for “wolf”, in recognition of wolves making a comeback in our state. The Washoe are a tribe of Native Americans from California and Nevada.



Mexican Gray Wolves


Thor (M1781)

Thor (M1781) was born in a litter of seven in 2018 at the California Wolf Center. He has a dark coloration to his coat and likes to mark his territory during tours.


Durango (M1782)

Durango (M1782) was born in a litter of seven in 2018 at the California Wolf Center. He is the least shy male of his pack, which consists of his brother and aunt.


Frida (F1219)

Frida (F1219) was born in 2011 and was transferred to CWC in 2018 to be paired with Phoenix (M1384) to breed as part of the AZA SAFE Mexican Wolf. Frida has given birth to 15 healthy puppies with her mate.


Phoenix (M1384)

Phoenix (M1384) was born in the wild in the spring of 2014. His pack was removed from the wild in 2015 due to livestock depredation, and Phoenix was transferred to the CWC in 2018 to participate in the breeding program.



Bailey (M1139)

Bailey (M1139) was born on April 22, 2008 at the Wolf Conservation Center in New York. He was transferred to the California Wolf Center in 2015 to be paired with our female Mexican Gray wolf, Joy, to breed.


Luna (F2020)

Luna (F2020) was born on May 7, 2019 at the California Wolf Center. As a puppy, Luna lost vision in one eye, but that hasn't stopped her from becoming one of the sassiest and most adventerous leaders in her pack.



Name A Wolf

Some of our Mexican Gray Wolves have yet to be named, and are referred to only by their studbook reference numbers for the Mexican Wolf SAFE (Saving Animals From Extinction). You can make a significant and lasting contribution by donating to name one. Your donation of $10,000 will help pay for the wolf's food, veterinarian care and enrichment for one full year. Donors of this level will receive an exclusive biography about their wolf, a frameable certificate, and a complimentary one-year membership. For more information and guidelines on naming a wolf, please email The California Wolf Center.



M2030 is a 4-year-old male with a small frame and distinctive coloration behind his ears. Despite his size, he is one of the most assertive wolves in his pack.

Name This Wolf


M2524 is a 4-year-old male with a large stature and rugged demeanor. M2524 was once shy, but has recently started to assert his dominance. He looks out for his brothers and loves to eat, romp, and play with them.

Name This Wolf


M2021 is a 5-year-old male with graceful legs and a long bushy tail. He’s an inquisitive and laid back wolf who can often be seen lounging in his water tub or exploring his surroundings.

Name This Wolf



M2028 is a 5-year-old male who is the most dominant member of his pack. Ever watchful, he is quick to step up and alert his fellow wolves with a “howl-bark” when caregivers have to enter his enclosure.

Name This Wolf